What is the Impact of Exchange Rate Movements on Inflation in India - 2009
Exchange rate Pass-Through - 2009
What is the Impact of Exchange Rate Changes on inflation in Asia? - 2009
Financial crisis, bank failures and corporate innovation. (with Salvador Contreras and Joon Ho Kong)
Bank failures, local business dynamics, and government policy. (with Manthos Delis, Salvador Contreras and Iftekhar Hasan)
Income Inequality and Minority Labor Market dynamics: medium term effects from the Great Recession” (with Salvador Contreras and Iftekhar Hasan)
Banking sector Openness and Entrepreneurship
Discerning the impact of disaggregated non-interest income activities on bank risk and profits in the post-Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act era
Bank diversification and entrepreneurship: Evidence across US states
Determinants of Bank Loan Charge-off rates: Evidence from the US
Real sector consequences of bank diversification: Evidence across US industries and states
Implications of Securitization on Bank Performance: Evidence from US Commercial Banks
Foreign banks and private sector credit: A global and emerging markets perspective
Do Bank Failure rates reflect local economic and banking conditions? An analysis across US states
Sector-specific analysis of Non-Performing loans in the US Banking system and their Macroeconomic Impact
Impact of Non-Performing Loans on US product and labor markets
How does Banking sector globalization affect economic growth
Industry-specific and regional economic determinants of US commercial banking profitability
Determinants of gold demand in Reserve Bank of India’s foreign exchange reserve portfolio
Banking sector globalization and bank performance: A comparative analysis of low income countries with emerging markets and advanced economies
What drives gold demand in central bank’s foreign exchange reserve portfolio?
Do real estate loans reflect regional banking and economic conditions?
Banking-industry specific and regional economic determinants of Non-Performing Loans: Evidence from US States
How do openness and exchange rate regimes affect inflation?
Do exchange rate regimes matter for economic growth?
Does the policy trilemma still hold? Fresh evidence and its implications
A comparison of exchange rate regime choice in Emerging Markets with Advanced & Low Income nations for 1999-2011
How does banking sector globalization affect banking crisis?
Exchange rate flexibility in Latin America?
Cross-border production sharing and exchange-rate sensitivity of Mexico’s trade balance
Exchange rate pass-through, macro fundamentals and regime choice in Latin America
Capital controls, exchange rate regime and monetary policy independence in India
Does production fragmentation lower exchange rate elasticity? Evidence from Mexico’s trade linkages,
Is there an S-curve relationship between US trade balance and terms of trade? An analysis across industries and countries
Implications of production sharing on exchange rate pass-through
What is the extent of Exchange rate Pass-through in Singapore? Has it changed overtime?
Exchange rate pass-through in Korea and Thailand: Trends and Determinants
Opening the Pandora’s box? Trade openness and informal sector growth
A survey of exchange rate pass-through in Asia
A comparative analysis of export price pass-through in three open Asian economies: Korea, Singapore and Thailand
How high is exchange rate pass-through in India? Has it changed over time?
What drives banking industry competition in developing countries?
How do derivative securities affect bank risk and profitability? Evidence from the US commercial banking industry
Do bank failures still matter in affecting regional economic activity?
Exchange Rate Pass-through Mechanism - Financial Express (South Asia)
An Assessment of Mexico’s Trade Performance - Claremont Policy Briefs