TODO ES ADREDE (short stories), Finalist in the VI International Literary Competition "Letras de Oro," Miami 1991-92. - Borinmex 1993
SUEÑOS PARA UNA SIESTA (novel) - Oveja negra 1986
LA PUERTA DEL ESPEJO (short stories) - El papagayo de cristal 1983
Poemas de la guerra by Anabel Torres - Pie de página 2004
SIETE Y TRES NUEVE (short stories) - Fondo editorial universidad EAFIT 2003
TEORÍA Y PRÁCTICA DE LA NOUVELLE (academic book) - Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez 2003
La narrativa latinoamericana: entre bordes seculares by Oscar R. López - Chasqui 2002
El espejo del otro by Raúl Cortés Castañeda, Ellgé and Manuel Cortés Castañeda - Hispanic Poetry Review 1999
Los grandes y los pequeños amores by Marco Tulio Aguilera Garramuño - Revista de estudios colombianos 1997
Satire in Colonial Spanish America. Turning the New World Upside Down by Julie Greer Johnson - Romance Quarterly 1996
El caso Madre Castillo. Discurso confesional hegemónico y canon en la literatura colombiana, Alexander Steffanell - Realitas 2014
MERCEDES (short novel, nouvelle) - Aurora Boreal 2014
Biografías críticas de mujeres afrodescendientes de América Latina, María Mercedes Jaramillo y Lucía Ortiz, eds. - Revista de estudios colombianos 2013
AL OTRO LADO DEL ACASO (short stories) - 2012
La palabra según Clarice Lispector. Aproximaciones críticas. - Letras 2012
La mujer que sabía demasiado, Silvia Galvis - Revista de estudios colombianos 2011
TODO ES ADREDE (short stories, revised edition) - Programa Editorial Universidad del Valle 2009
Cuentos para antes de hacer el amor de Marco Tulio Aguilera Garramuño - El universo del búho 2008
Poeta de los Andes: Homenaje a César Vallejo, ed. Mara García - Chasqui 2008
Faena de cuerpos: Cuentos para antes de hacer el amor de Marco Tulio Aguilera Garramuño - Síntesis, Suplemento Catedral 2008
La sintaxis de la carne by Enrique Mallén - Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis 2007
Élites y desplazados en el Valle del Cauca by Álvaro Félix-Bolaños - Revista de Estudios Colombianos 2006
Luna caliente de Mempo Giardinelli: una nouvele que parodia la novela gótica y la novela negra in ODISEA DE LO FANTÁSTICO - 2004
Literatura y narcotráfico: Laura Restrepo, Fernando Vallejo, Darío Jaramillo Aguedlo in LITERATURA Y CULTURA. NARRATIVA COLOMBIANA DEL SIGLO XX - 2000
La última escala del Tramp Steamer, o ‘Cuando escriba algo romántico me lo manda, ¿no? in UNA SELVA TAN INFINITA. LA NOVELA CORTA EN MÉXICO: 1891-2014, V. III - 2014
La elusiva ‘novela corta’ o la nouvelle moderna in UNA SELVA TAN INFINITA. LA NOVELA CORTA EN MÉXICO (1872-2011), V I - 2011
Significado y estructura repetitiva de la nouvelle: 'Domingo' de Luis Arturo Ramos in ACERCAMIENTOS A LA NARRATIVA DE LUIS ARTURO RAMOS - 2005
Breve antología del cuento breve colombiano
Violencia, amor y exilio en la narrativa de José Castro Urioste
La última escala del Tramp Steamer: el doble, y de nuevo la errancia y el deterioro en una nouvelle de Álvaro Mutis
Tientos y discusión sobre 'Poesía sin pureza' de Pablo Neruda y antipoesía de Nicanor Parra
Chain of Guilt or Getting Along With Pals' Influences
La risa del cuervo o como el cuervo dicta verdades poéticas en la historia de América
La poesía desova en la historia americana
La novela corta moderna hispanoamericana como tema de un seminario interuniversitario
Los adioses (1954) de Juan Carlos Onetti: procedimientos para alcanzar la sugerencia y el énfasis en el significado como nouvelle
César Vallejo: para una educación en nuestras vidas
Espacio, personaje y significado: La Llorona en La Señora de la Fuente (1996), de Luis Arturo Ramos
Pensamientos de Guerra de Orlando Mejía Rivera, redención por la palabra que se agota hasta hacerse silencio
Versos para un ser ideal: ‘muger fermosa’ de Juan Ruiz y ‘Receita de mulher’ de Vinicius de Moraes
Del cuento y sus circunstancias: de dos libros de Armando Romero y Consuelo Triviño Anzola
Presencia de la historia y fragmentación narrativa en El amor y la muerte de Marco Tulio Aguilera Garramuño
Presentación (issue in homage to Álvaro Félix Bolaños)
Narrativa e historia
Debate interno de un artista sobre la escritura o la pintura en Cárcel por amor de Álvaro Pineda Botero
¿Entonces qué?: la construcción narrativa y el agua como memoria en Y si a usted en el sueño le dieran una rosa de Alonso Aristizábal
Gustavo Álvarez Gardeazábal: la escritura y la política en un escritor político
Hacia la tahona estuosa de César Vallejo - Aurora Boreal 2015
Introductory essay and book annotations of narrative works of Colombian and Venezuelan Literature - Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress 2013
“Conejo y mago,” “Hormigas en Udaipur,” “Estrella con beso,” “Viuda que va a comprar un hombre.” (short stories) - Omnibus. Revista digital intercultural. 2012
Conjuntos semejantes que cruzan ocultos y callados la rima XXXIV de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer - Espéculo 2008
SENDAS EN CONFLICTO (script, soap opera) - Radio Station, Spanish School, Middlebury College 2007
Nuevos tiempos, nuevos tientos en la literatura argentina, entrevista a Mempo Giardinelli - Magazín dominical de EL ESPECTADOR 1991
Literatura adelante, crítica inexistente - Al Pie de la Letra 1987
Dos o tres cosas sobre el lío de escribir - Al Pie de la Letra 1986
Palabras por el cuerpo tomado de Julio, el cuentista - Contrastes, revista dominical de EL PUEBLO 1984
“Al escondite” (short short story) - (micro fiction). In Norma Martha de Carvajal, Francisco Moreno C, Rebeca Estarda C, Luis Alberto CÓMO ELABORAR Y PRESENTAR UN TRABAJO ESCRITO: CÓMO ESCRIBIR BIEN, TEORÍA Y PRÁCTICA. 5th edition, Barranquilla: Ediciones Uninorte 2004
"Las fotografías" (short story) - Ventana abierta 2003
“El sello," “El tajalápiz" (short stories) - Mascaluna ["El sello" was also published in LITERATURA VIRTUAL (2000)] 2002
Libro de René Jaramillo: Dios no es el asesino - EL MUNDO 2002
"Recomendaciones para comprar un espejo" (short story) - in ESTAMOS MUERTOS (Audio Book), Proyecto Sherezade. [It was also published in Proyecto Sherezade. Spanish Literature on Line. April (2002): 1 pp. Online. It has been included in a selection of short stories prepared by SCELVA Service Commun d’etudes des Langues Vivantes Appliquees. Université de Rennes 1] 2004
"La otra cara del reloj de arena" (short story) - Cariátides 2000
Rosa, jaguar, cigarra y corazón, y una lámpara - El Cid 1995
"Escribir, leer, volver a escribir," Collective Plaquette - Encounter of Latin American Writers 1995
"El ajuar de Marcela" (short story) - Torre de papel 1994
"Ascensor a oscuras" (short story) - La palabra y el hombre 1993
Entre los caminos de una amistad in “THIS SPANISH THING”: Essays in honor of Edward F. Stanton, 2016 - Juan de a Cuesta 2016
“Vaduva care se duce sa-?i cumpere un barbat," "Candidatul,” “Stea cu sarut.” (short stories) - Poesis International 2016
Introductory essay and book annotations of narrative works of Colombian and Venezuelan Literature - Handbook of Latin American studies, Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress, 2015
De la ciudad leída a la ciudad vivida en La rueda de Chicago (2004) de Armando Romero - Revista Cronopio 2014
Versos para um ser ideal: “muger fermosa” de Juan Ruiz e “receita de mulher” de Vinícius de Moraes - Lumme 2014
"¿Dónde está Raúl? (short story) - Revista Mascaluna 2013
Prosa do grande cineasta de Francisco dos Santos ou viagem au centro do caos - ZUNÁI – Revista de poesia & debates 2013
TOUT LE MONDE DANSE (script for a movie) - TOUT LE MONDE DANSE 2013
“Iepurele si magicianul,” “Eugenia si Adolfo," “Stea cu sarut” (short stories) - Viata Româneasca 2013
EL TABLÓN (script for an acting reading)
"El viaje" (short story) - Aurora Boreal. Para los amantes del español 2012
"Globo, silencio, domingo y ellos" (short story) - Aurora Boreal. Para los amantes del español. 2012
De La Señora de la Fuente de Luis Arturo Ramos a La Llorona de la fuente (estudio) - La novela corta. Una biblioteca virtual. 2012
Introductory essay and book annotations of narrative works of Colombian and Venezuelan Literature - Handbook of Latin American Studies 2011
“Mujer, pañoleta y ventanilla siete" (short story) - Omnibus. Revista intercultural del mundo hispanohablante 2011
"Conejo y mago" (short story) - Proyecto Sherezade. Spanish Literature on Line 2010
"El candidato" (short story) - (short story). In Foerster, Sharon W. and Lambright, A. METAS: Spanish in Review, Moving Toward Fluency, McGraw Hill: New York [it was also published in Proyecto Sherezade. Spanish Literature on Line. February (2000): 1 pp. Online. Internet., and in Foerster, Sharon W., Lambright, A and Alfonso-Pinto, Fátima. Punto y aparte. 2nd edition, McGraw Hill: New York, 2002, 152-8] 2007
“Jornada de siembra” (short story) - Revista de erudición y crítica, Castalia 2007
“Leyenda e historia,” “Los pobres amantes," “Cuidando la cadena," (poems) in Pegasos de dos siglos: poesía in Kentucky: 1977 – 2007 - Hispanic Poetry Review 2007
ANTEOJOS DE PASIÓN (soap opera) - Radio Station,Spanish School, Middlebury College 2006
"El hombre que quería ser camello" (short story) - Textos: creación y crítica 2005
"Que trata de la indagatoria al ingenioso caballero don Miguel" (short short story) - (micro fiction). In Epple, Juan Armando. MICROQUIJOTES. Barcelona: Thule ediciones [this micro fiction has had various editions in magazines, printed and electronic journals, and book anthologies since 1977] 2005
“Salvamento de una leyenda," “Una clase de biología" (short stories) - Delitos menores. Poesía y narrativa breve 2005
University Research Grant
Preparation of a proposal with Rodney Webb, Library Director, and Rogelio Hinojosa, Acquisitions Librarian, to obtain a 1% of the Lamar Bruni Vergara Trust Fund in order to acquire books from various Latin American countries in support of the participation of TAMIU in the collaborative program of Ph.D. in Hispanic Studies
Texas Council for the Humanities, Community Project: "V International Colloquium of Fantastic Literature"
Texas Council for the Humanities, Public Speaker Grant for Alberto Ruy Sánchez
Texas Council for the Humanities, Public Speaker Grant for Mempo Giardinelli
Mini-Grant for Luis A. Ramos at the IV Annual Colloquium on Lit.
Research Fellowship with Professor Brian J. Dendle - Department of Spanish and Italian, University of Kentucky - 01-01-1996
Senior Teaching Fellowship - Department of Spanish and Italian, University of Kentucky - 03-01-1996
2nd Prize "Minaya Alvar Fáñez" Article Contest - Sociedad Nacional Hispanica, The Citadel - 05-01-1995
Graduate School Fellowship - Department of Spanish and Italian, University of Kentucky - 01-01-1993
Graduate School Fellowships - Department of Classical and Modern Languages, University of Louisville - 01-01-1993
Outstanding Performance in Spanish - Department of Classical and Modern Languages, University of Louisville - 04-01-1993
Finalist in VI International Literary Competition LETRAS DE ORO - University of Miami - 12-01-1991
Honorable Order of Kentucky Colonels - Goverment of Kentucky - 05-01-1988
Finalist in the Second Competition ERNESTO SABATO - Proartes, Cali - 01-01-1986
Regents Professor, 2016-2017 - Texas A&M University System Board of Regents - 02-07-2018
Laurel Trilce de Oro - XVI Intermational Itinerant Conference "Capulí Vallejo y su tierra," Perú - 05-01-2015
University Honors Program Faculty Member of the Year, Nominee. - Texas A&M International University - 05-01-2015
Scholar of the year - College of Arts and Sciences, Texas A&M International University. - 08-01-2013
Scholar of the year - Department of Humanities, Texas A&M International University. - 05-01-2012
Teaching Excellence Award - Texas A&M University System - 04-01-2010
Initiated, Chapter Texas A&M International University - The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi - 05-01-2008
Scholar of the Year - College of Arts and Sciences, Texas A&M International University - 08-01-2005
Scholar of the Year - Department of Language and Literature, Texas A&M International University - 05-01-2004
Shining Star Most Outstanding Sponsor - Spanish Club Siglo XXI, 2001-02 Academic Year/7th Annual University Life Awards - 04-10-2002
In the framework of the worldwide commemoration of the first fifty years of Cien años de soledad [One Hundred Years of Solitude] by Gabriel García Márquez I was invited by Dr. Alfredo Arcos, Director of Public Libraries in Nuevo Laredo, to deliver a lecture at the Laredo Public Library.
Service in Food bank of Laredo, with a group of members of the Spanish Club
YO LA PEOR DE TODAS by María Luisa Bemberg, 4th International Films, Women and Gender Studies Minor Program, Texas A&M International University.
Judge at the 9th Annual LOTE Language Cluster Competition, Harmony Public Schools, San Antonio Cluster/ HSA-Laredo, TX.
Invited to give the lecture “430 años de inmortalidad de Cervantes y Borges,’ Biblioteca Octavio Paz, Nuevo Laredo, Mexico.
Laudatory speech to nominate the writer and journalist Elena Poniatowska to receive the Award of Doctorate Honoris Causa, Texas A&M International University
Colombia today and its history, Panamerican Round Table
Tribute to Gabriel García Márquez. It included a collective complete reading of El coronel no tiene quien le escriba.
“José Ortega y Gasset’s Meditaciones del Quijote” by Dr. Robert Lane Kauffmann (Rice University).
Guest Speaker, Initiation Ceremony, Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica Rubén Darío de LISD Early College High School
Encanto español (poetry reader), Organized by the Dept. of Fine and Performing Arts, TAMIU
Lecture to students United South High School, AP Class (Teacher, Ms. Guadalupe Aguiar): “Literatura fantástica y ‘La noche boca arriba’ de Julio Cortázar.”
Diocese of Laredo Catholic Schools Academic Fair, St. Augustine School (poetry judge)
Judge, 6th and 7th Annual Laredo Poetry Festival (Adult Division)
Meeting with Spanish teachers of Laredo Independent School District and United Independent School District
Workshop: Writing Micro Fiction; National Reading Day, Texas A&M International University.
Film Festival, TAMIU
Session to celebrate the 40 years of ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF SOLITUDE, Pan American Round Table. Lecture before the members of Pan American Round Table of Laredo
V International Colloquium of Fantastic Literature, Texas A&M International University
Diocese of Laredo Catholic Schools Academic Fair, St. Augustine School
Hispanic Heritage Festival, Vidal M. Trevino School of Communication and Fine Arts
9th Annual UIL Invitational Academic Meet, Alexander High School
21st Annual Spanish Poetry Competition, Laredo Community College
Annual Poetry Reading organized by Killam Library's Staff, Texas A&M International University. National Library Week.
Annual Career Awareness Day, Alexander High School
Area 7 Spring Leadership Conference in Laredo
Spanish Club's Presentation of the issue No. 30 of CARIÁTIDES
UIL Mary Help of Christian School