Participated at DISCOVER TAMIU where I created an activity for the community to participate. My activity was "Origami: Let's Make Shapes" where I demonstrated how to create different shapes to make an object.
TAMIU Spring 2022 Preview Day held Saturday, March 5, 2022, has been a success! The Office of Recruitment and School Relations hosted Spring Preview Day (in-person) for the students can explore what TAMIU has to offer and learn about the different colleges, departments, and programs available
College Nights are interactive events that provide a friendly atmosphere designed to help students to understand the college-planning process. Events included information on choosing the right college, navigating the financial aid process, and finding scholarship opportunities, and the things the college can offer to be successful in the programs of study. With this understanding, the Meet Your College event was held on Monday, August 15, 2022 from 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm in LBV 220. This included a speech by Dr. Claudia San Miguel, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; a "trail" beginning in AIC; and a booth hosted by the Department of Mathematics and Physics.