Seeing Hardy: Film and Television Adaptations of the Fiction of Thomas Hardy - McFarland 2003
Hardy and the Cinema: A Plethoric Growth in Knowledge - 2010
Somerset Maugham and the Profitable Re-Writing of Hardy's Fiction: Cakes and Ale and Embedded Hardyan Intertexts
The Royal Red-Headed Varient: The Prisoner of Zenda and the Heredity Debatesof 1893
Nominated for Teacher of the Year - Department of Humanities - 01-01-2013
University Life Award—Advisor of the Year - TAMIU Student Affairs - 04-10-2010
David I. Patrick Dissertation Fellowship - University of Arizona - 01-01-2000
Tatum 10 Teaching Fellowship - University of Arizona - 01-01-1999
Scholastic All-American - University of Arizona - 01-01-1988
Arizona Playmakers’ Award - Northern Arizona University - 01-01-1985
Participated in two annual Walks to Defeat ALS; for 2008 Walk put together a team of faculty, students, and alumni. Collectively raised over $2,000. Involvement in ALS activities in Arizona since 2003.